Find us at Loughborough Town Hall on Sundays

New Creation Church meets on Sundays (10:30 am - 12:15 pm) at Loughborough Town Hall, usually in the Beacon Room, or occasionally in the Council Chamber. Both are accessible directly from Town Hall Passage. Contact us using the form below, or via our Facebook page. For a map and directions, check here. To check upcoming dates, click here.

Welcome to
New Creation Church

Loughborough, UK

You are invited into the greatest true story ever told - one that can transform you and your future! We would love to tell you about it!

"What the witnesses of the resurrection were looking at was the first day of a new creation, with a new heaven and a new earth; and in a semblance of the gardener God walked again in the garden, in the cool not of the evening but the dawn."
- G.K. Chesterton, 1925

Who we are

We are a group of people whose shared passion in life is to follow Jesus, do what he did, and make him known! We meet in the town of Loughborough in the UK. We would love to invite you to experience God's love and power in your life, and for you to know that you are part of God's amazing plan for a whole new start for this world - in fact, a whole new creation!

We are people from different backgrounds and stages in life, but all of us have discovered that God wants true, loving relationship with every single human being and that he has a wonderful purpose and plan for each of us.

We want to introduce everyone to the God who loves them and wants them to be personally restored and become part of his amazing world-wide family, the Church.

We work in partnership with the Lifelink Global family of churches and also consider ourselves one part of the church of God in Loughborough - one expression of God's people among many.

You can read more below about what we believe - you might even want to watch this short (4 minute) video first...

Take a walk with us and discover your place in God's amazing plan for creation...

What we believe

We agree with the basis of faith set out by the Evangelical Alliance, which you can find here.

Our great joy and conviction is that the creator God came in person to the world he had created - in the person of Jesus Christ - to rescue humanity and the whole world from the effects of evil and the disobedience of all people towards him as their creator.

Humanity was made in the image of God, to care for the world on God's behalf. But we quickly fell short of our God-given vocation to express that wise and loving divine image towards the creation around us, including our fellow human beings. Instead, we started spreading selfishness, greed and destruction.

But, through Jesus, God set in motion a chain of events to put everything right, that one day will culminate in the transformation of the whole cosmos and the coming of a "new heaven and new earth" where all evil, sickness, pain and death will have been banished for ever.

God invites all people everywhere to take part in his amazing plan to "restore all things", beginning in the here and now. People who put their trust in God through Jesus are empowered by the Holy Spirit to take part as co-workers with God himself, using their unique God-given gifts and personalities to make a difference in the world around them, and at the same time enjoy a real and fulfilling relationship with their creator. We are designed for union with God!

This glorious new situation was only made possible through the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross in our place. The Bible tells us that "the wages of sin (our rebellion and lawlessness against God) is death". In other words, when we fail to live according to the image of God in which we are made, we poison ourselves and harm others. If this is not dealt with, we end up cut off from God, unable to experience the eternal life he wants to give us.

All of us are in the same boat - "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". But, in Jesus, God chose to take upon himself the weight of all the wrong-doing of humanity, paying the price for the sin of the whole world, exhausting its power and defeating it on our behalf.

Then Jesus was raised by God from the dead, as the forerunner of all who will believe in him. All of us are invited to join him by turning to God, making Jesus the Lord of our whole lives, and receiving his forgiveness and a complete new start! We discover that, as human beings, we have been gloriously made in the image of our powerful and loving creator God - and that we are to express that same image into the world around us, displaying what God is like and acting as God's co-workers in his mission to restore the world.

We discover also that God exists in three Persons - the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. God has always existed as a community! God is a glorious and harmonious relationship, which is described by the simple phrase "God is love." And humanity in God's image is designed to reflect that relationship in its loving commitment to all people and also to the natural world.

The church-worldwide is God's family, a community whose purpose and nature is to display the kind of world that God will one day create, living out a new way of being human - a new kind of society in which the likeness of the self-giving, others-preferring God of grace and truth is expressed.

The only way we can do this is to be empowered and directed by the ongoing presence and daily promptings of God the Holy Spirit within us, who helps us in our weakness, picks us up when we stumble and encourages us to continue even when we feel we have failed. We depend on God's generous grace and forgiveness every day. But we also see him gradually changing us so that we display the likeness of Jesus more and more, even whilst we wait for his glorious return from heaven to usher in the New Creation, of which we have been given (and are) a foretaste!

All of this and more can be found in the pages of the Bible, which we joyfully but carefully receive as the written "Word of God", fully reliable and trustworthy in what it reveals about God, humanity, the world, the present and the future. The Bible is our guide in all matters of faith and practice. This written Word, in turn, reveals Jesus, who is himself the true "Word" - God's final word on who God is and what he feels about his creation and the love he has for every single human being - including you, even as you read this page!

You can find out some more about how we see ourselves as "church" on our Values page.

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
Habakkuk 2:14


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How to find us

Driving directions

By car, approach via Woodgate and look for Sital House Car Park on the left, which leads directly to Town Hall Passage. Alternatively, use the Beehive Lane multistorey on the right.

Walking directions

You can approach from the Market Place. Town Hall Passage is on the right-hand side of the Town Hall. You will see our banner as you walk down the passage.

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